PHP Companies

PHPCompanies: A Community-Driven PHP Companies Directory

As a poor PHP developer, whenever I searched for a PHP job, I used to use platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, etc.
and I always braced myself for the frustration caused by the sheer volume of spam postings.
You know, it's just the way it works.

Time went by, and I needed to find a new company to work for.
This time, and out of my frustration, I decided to try manually checking companies websites and their careers pages to see if they were looking for people to join.

And surprisingly, this worked much better.
It had a noticeably higher apply-to-response rate, meaning that my applications were more likely to be seen, and I actually needed to apply to fewer companies in order to land a job.

The only problem with that method was that there was no single source listing all PHP companies.
So, I had to spend a lot of time researching a lot of companies to find those that used PHP for development and then see if they were hiring.

This made me always think: if only there were a single place that listed all PHP companies.
Then I thought, why not create a community-maintained directory of PHP companies?

By enabling everyone to contribute companies they’ve worked for, we could build a comprehensive resource where developers can find new opportunities from submissions by others.
Maybe even companies could list themselves to be directly visible to engineers, avoiding the recruitment maze.

Think about it... it's a win for everyone and a loss for talent-pooling spammers (aka recruitment agencies).

So here I am. I’ve created a repo on GitHub to be an open-source directory of PHP companies, built for and by the community.
And I've built a super simple UI to make searching easier.

I've also made contribution super simple — in order to encourage people to contribute.
You just have to open an issue, submitting the company name (and other information if you want), and I'll take care of the rest.

The list of companies is also kept in a single file, in case someone wants the raw data to do anything with.